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Catering Menu

We know that, in today’s fast-paced work environment, your time is important. Cou-Yon’s is convenient & reliable! Our delivery & buffet set up service takes all of the tress and mess out of your event. One of our friendly drivers will not only deliver your food, but completely set up your buffet with plates, cutlery kits, serving utensils, cups, ice, and, of course, our excellent variety of meats, sides, and desserts!  Let us make this easy for you!

Pans of Sides

Find our sides and their prices here → Sides and Prices

We can customize any size pan to accommodate your event, but here are some suggested serving sizes:

Small (2 Quarts – serves 10-15) - $30

Medium (4 Quarts – serves 20-25) - $60

Large (8 Quarts – serves 40-50) - $120

How much meat do I need for my event?

Find our Meats by the Pound here → Meats by the Pound

It truly depends on your guests and event.    A few things to consider - will there be other meats or entrees served?  Is this the only meat being served at your gathering?   Do I have big eaters or a mixture of guests who are lighter eaters?  In addition, one pound of sausage or pulled pork may feed more than one pound of sliced brisket or turkey.  Keep these things in mind when planning your gathering.

We suggest at least a 1/4lb per person if you want every guest to have at least one nice serving.   If you are responsible for all of the meat at your event – consider with going with closer to 1/2lb of meat per person total.  Our team’s years of experience can help you decide what is just right for your event.  

Please email us at or call us at 225-383-3227 extension 2 with any questions - we are here to help!

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